This summer I had the opportunity to meet Kelly Schaefer and hear her heart-wrenching, yet incredibly inspirational story. It really got me thinking about how I would handle her situation if it had been mine. One the one hand, it makes me think that with “God All Things are Possible”, because Kelly really makes that Scripture quote real, in that she really has overcome so much with perseverance, and ultimately God’s grace–made all things possible.
To say I was blown away by Kelly, might be an understatement. I came away from Kelly’s presentation with four reactions. First, I have to honestly say, it help me put my own “trials” in perspective. Another thought I had was wow, even with my strong faith in God, I’m not sure how I would handle becoming a quadriplegic over night. Third, it made me appreciate even more the gifts I have been given. And, finally, it challenged me think about how well I am using my gifts for God’s glory.
If you are ready to read an inspirational story, I invite you to read on. And I’d be interested to hear your thoughts and reactions to Kelly’s story.
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