Miraculous Moments–Out of Gas

Miraculous Moments–Out of Gas

Story submitted by Monica Jones, San Francisco, CA

Last summer, I made a road trip to a friend’s house that lived about 30 miles away. I had good directions, but soon realized I was lost. What was even worse was I was just about out of gas. Yikes!!! I was totally lost, no where near civilization or a gas station. I couldn’t even get a signal on my cell

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A Pope and a President

Speaker highlights Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan’s alliance to Defeat Evil of Soviet Communism

By Brigid Curtis Ayer

The parallels of their lives were uncanny. The comradery and mutual affection they shared was genuine. Their alliance, undeniably, toppled more than the Berlin Wall, and the Cold War era, but perhaps forever changed the international, political, and moral landscape for ages to come.

Paul Kengor, New York Times bestselling author, offered his timeless and little-known insights into the relationship of Pope John Paul II, and President Ronald Reagan, during a recent presentation in Carmel, IN. These stories are outlined in his 600-plus page book, “A Pope and a President.”

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The body of Christ is broken. The culture of death is becoming even more oppressive. Millions of babies do not survive long enough to be born. The unfaithfulness of Christians is scandalous. Under these circumstances, you would think we would be depressed and even despairing.

However, “despite the increase of sin, grace has far surpassed it” (Rm 5:20). Pope St. John Paul II prophesied that we can have a new springtime of the Christian life right now if we are docile to the action of the Holy Spirit (Towards the Third Millennium(TMA), 18). After this new springtime, justice and freedom will be restored to the world (TMA, 16). Jeremiah also prophesied: “I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope” (Jer 29:11). The bishops of Vatican II have also prophesied that Mary is a sign of sure hope (Lumen Gentium, 68). With Mary leading her children, we will cross the threshold of hope into the new millennium.

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The State’s Interest in Marriage


State’s Interest in Marriage

The state has an interest in marriage. Marriage, in a secular sense, is for the purpose of perpetuating citizens, civilization and taxpayers. Marriage is the institution that bonds the mother and father together to care for their offspring so the state doesn’t have to. Putting religion and the recent constitutionality of same-sex unions aside, the state has a very important interest in marriage between one man and one woman, in a permanent, monogamous union. The logical reason supported by history is marriage across time and culture creates order and stability in society. 

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“Cone of Silence” Prayer Works for Me

All About The Grace –Perspectives on Faith, Culture & Media Savvy

Do you remember the “Cone of Silence”? Think Nickelodeon TV, MeTV, or if you are old enough, perhaps you recall it from your after-school television viewing.  If you are not familiar with it, the “Cone of Silence” is a device used by good guy Control agents from one of my favorite 1960’s television comedy spy shows called Get Smart. The main characters, the Chief and Maxwell Smart, also known as Agent 86, attempt to have “top secret” conversations inside a plastic double dome that appears from the ceiling at the press of a button. The scenes where this “silent” chamber is used for private conversations results in exaggerated speaking and listening. It’s hysterical. You see, the gadget rarely works as designed rendering the characters virtually mute to each other. Subsequently, it requires shouting so they can be heard. This exercise hardly accomplishes the desired goal of a “top secret” conversation, to prevent the bad guy organization, known as Kaos, from getting wind of their plan.

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Bounce Back

Learning how to bounce back in today’s world offers Christians a strategy for success when trials arrive.

As part of my prayer time, I listen to Father Al Lauer’s “Daily Bread” radio broadcast.  I also read the “One Bread, One Body” booklet reflection on the daily Eucharistic readings for the Mass. Father Al, founder of Presentation Ministries, a lay apostolate under the Archbishop in Cincinnati, and a personal friend, died in 2002 of cancer. While I miss him very much, he wrote and taught prolifically. He produced hundreds of pamphlets, videos and audios.  His materials offer rich and challenging insights. Teaching in union with the Magesterium of the Church, Father Al unpacks the complex in simple language.

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“God can make a Message out of a Mess”

This summer I had the opportunity to meet Kelly Schaefer and hear her heart-wrenching, yet incredibly inspirational story. It really got me thinking about how I would handle her situation if it had been mine. One the one hand, it makes me think that with “God All Things are Possible”, because Kelly really makes that Scripture quote real, in that she really has overcome so much with perseverance, and ultimately God’s grace–made all things possible.

To say  I was blown away by Kelly, might be an understatement. I came away from Kelly’s presentation with four reactions. First, I have to honestly say, it help me put my own “trials” in perspective. Another thought I had was wow, even with my strong faith in God, I’m not sure how I would handle becoming a quadriplegic over night. Third, it made me appreciate even more the gifts I have been given. And, finally, it challenged me think about how well I am using my gifts for God’s glory.

If you are ready to read an inspirational story, I invite you to read on. And I’d be interested to hear your thoughts and reactions to Kelly’s story.



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Freedom of Speech Dilemma Abated

By Brigid Curtis Ayer

Freedom of Speech Dilemma Abated

CARMEL, IN–The Freedom of Speech dilemma at Carmel High School has been abated at least for now.

The Carmel Teens for Life group plans to move ahead with its pro-life message now that its sign removal controversy has ended says Dina Ferchmin-Rowe who serves as club mom and pro-life educator.

Carmel Teens for Life, a pro-life club at Carmel High School which has been in existence for over a decade, drew national media attention when their pre-approved sign promoting adoption over abortion was mysteriously removed in December following a complaint by another student who described the sign as “offensive.”

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Faith in God Helps People Cope with Depression

By Brigid Curtis Ayer

Faith in God helps people cope with depression.

The objective is not to overcome depression, but to learn how to live in and through depression says Father Michael Hoyt, pastor of St. Michael the Archangel parish in Indianapolis, who offered a recent workshop on depression and spirituality.

Hoyt, who suffers from depression and helps counsel others who struggle with it, said it is in our brokenness that we are able to taste the goodness and love of God and receive love from other people.

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Time Management-God’s Way

Who has the time? I used to ask this question all the time!!

About a year ago, I found myself completely stressed out and doing WAY too many things, yet, at the same time I felt I was NOT doing enough. I wondered how this was possible. While this had been going on for years prior, I finally decided something had to change.

While I’m an eternal optimist with a can do spirit, (which got me into the mess in the first place) I now realize I was simply taking on too many things simultaneously. Looking back, I realize that running a business, supporting a family with a traveling husband, and working as a freelance writer for two active clients along with caring for three school age children and two active Labrador retrievers, well, it was too much! I concluded I was saying ‘yes’ to too many of the wrong things, and then being stuck saying “no” to things that I really wanted to have time for. Things that God was really calling me to.

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