Here’s a great audio from Father Al Lauer, founder of Presentation Ministries, Cincinnati, OH.
Take a listen.
Here’s a great audio from Father Al Lauer, founder of Presentation Ministries, Cincinnati, OH.
Take a listen.
Appeared in Lifestyle Section of Verily Magazine
Verily Magazine
By: Brigid Curtis Ayer
College debt got you down? You’re not alone.
With skyrocketing tuition costs, it’s not surprising that more than forty million students nationwide have graduated with debt. CNN reported that combined student debt has climbed to a record high of $1.2 trillion. This is an 84 percent jump since the recession began in 2008. Without a proactive plan to pay back the money, the impact can derail or delay all sorts of life plans—marriage, home buying, graduate degrees, and more.
How bold of a Christian are you?
Thomas the Apostle, was also known famously known as the “doubting Thomas” because he would not believe the Lord had risen until he saw him with his own eyes. He later became very bold for Christ.
Are you a modern day “doubting Thomas”?
Following Jesus’ crucifixion, the apostles were hiding out in the upper room. Thomas, who was considered one of the smarter apostles, was not with them when Jesus appeared. He told the apostles, he would not believe that Jesus had risen unless he was able to see with his own eyes and to put his hand into the nail marks or the side of Jesus. Thomas was suffering from the sin of pride due to his intelligence, yet he was smart enough to repent, and the first to have courage to recognize and proclaim Jesus as, “My Lord and God.” How many of us live by this saying, “My Lord and my God”?
“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” 1 Peter 3:15
Okay, you’ve been Catholic your whole life, but there are many things about the faith you simply do not understand, nor can explain when asked. Join the club!!
Speaker Al Kresta greets Bishop James S. Wall of the Diocese of Gallup, N.M., after his presentation at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in Carmel on Oct. 3. Kresta is president and CEO of Ave Maria Radio and host of “Kresta in the Afternoon.” (Photo by Brigid Curtis Ayer)
CARMEL — Al Kresta, president and CEO of Ave Maria Radio and host of “Kresta in the Afternoon,” delivered a talk about the rising tide of Islamic jihadism, Oct. 3, to a full church at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish.