Joy or sadness? Which do you want more of in your life? Honestly, you have a great deal of influence over the result of the answer to that question. If you’re interested in this, read on.
I’ve been a fan of Presentation Ministries for many years. A friend of mine introduced me to their Bible telephone line in 1993. The lay ministry was founded by Father Al Lauer who died of cancer in 2005. Fr. Al was a typical priest, but at some point before I met him, he had a conversion that changed him dramatically. After his encounter of the Holy Spirit, he REALLY started living out his calling to the priesthood. The ministry branched out into radio, printed material, video, and digital media. One of my favorite spiritual “go-to’s” has been the One Bread, One Body booklet published by Presentation Ministries, and written mostly by Father Al, that offers a reflection on the daily readings. Today’s reflection really stuck out to me, and the full teaching (which I cut and pasted) is posted below.
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