Tag Archives: #allaboutthegrace

Coping With Holiday Grief

Holiday Grief & St. Dymphna’s Playbook- A Catholic Guide to Finding Mental & Emotional Well-Being – On this segment of Faith in Action, co-hosts Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer are joined by Tommy Tighe, marriage & family therapist, and author of “St. Dymphna’s Playbook-A Catholic Guide to Finding Mental and Emotional Well-Being.” Tithe offers tips for managing grief during the holidays and how faith communities can help support those struggling. For details see www.catholichipster.com

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How to prepare for Advent?

Preparing for Advent & Sisterhood Drama – On this segment of Faith in Action, co-hosts Gordon Smith and Brigid Ayer are joined by Sandra Hartlieb who talks about ways to prepare for Advent, and in the second half Sandra talks about a Sisterhood Drama ministry she created and performs. To learn more about Sisterhood Dramas, connect on Facebook by clicking here Or via email at [email protected]

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How to Build Resilience

How to Build Resilience – Co-Host, Gordon Smith and Brigid Ayer are joined by Christine Turo-Shields, co-owner, Kenosis Counseling Center, and a licensed clinical social worker, to discuss ways you can maintain good mental health, and build resilience in this post pandemic world.  Christine will be presenting a workshop on Mastering the Work-Life Balancing Act sponsored by Leadership Johnson County on Nov. 19 at the Johnson County Armory. To register or for more info on the Work-Life Balance workshop, contact Tandy Shuck at [email protected] or call the LJC Offices at 317-738-8264. For more information about Kenosis Counseling Center the Website is https://kenosiscenter.com/

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Blue Collar Apologetics with John Martignoni

“Blue Collar Apologetics” with John Martignoni – On this segment of Faith in Action, co-hosts Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer are joined by Founder and President of the Bible Christian Society, John Martignoni, to talk about his book “Blue Collar Apologetics.” They talk about the importance of apologetics in the modern day and how you can implement it into your life. You can get a copy of the book at Sophia Institute Press and you can connect with John at the www.biblechristiansociety.com

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