Tag Archives: mental health benefits of spirituality

How to Build Resilience

How to Build Resilience – Co-Host, Gordon Smith and Brigid Ayer are joined by Christine Turo-Shields, co-owner, Kenosis Counseling Center, and a licensed clinical social worker, to discuss ways you can maintain good mental health, and build resilience in this post pandemic world.  Christine will be presenting a workshop on Mastering the Work-Life Balancing Act sponsored by Leadership Johnson County on Nov. 19 at the Johnson County Armory. To register or for more info on the Work-Life Balance workshop, contact Tandy Shuck at [email protected] or call the LJC Offices at 317-738-8264. For more information about Kenosis Counseling Center the Website is https://kenosiscenter.com/

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Spirituality makes for good health


By: Brigid Curtis Ayer (For Verily Magazine)

Have you ever wondered if your faith or spirituality really has an impact on youth health and recovery? I have. Sporadically you will hear news segments featuring a person who has experienced a profound medical miracle. It’s a scenario where doctors can’t explain how a person’s cancerous tumor vanished. I’m a big believer in miracles. Yet, these profound miracles don’t happen every day to everyone. What about a person’s everyday spirituality? Does it help them heal in normal, not so profound health situations, and if it does, how?

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