Overcoming temptation. Well, that’s easier said than done. As we strive for victory during our Christian walk, I heard a great message which provides practical tips and Godly wisdom for success.
We all face temptations, but recognizing where they originate, and how to avoid or tackle them, I think will go a long way towards our happiness now and eternally.
Temptations versus Trials.
What’s the difference. The Greek word, peirasmos, is the same word for both temptation and trial, yet we know these words are different. Trial is a test of faith. Whereas, temptation whether from outside or within typically involves a temptation of the flesh.
As we read in the Catechism, “Temptation is an attraction, either from outside oneself or from within, to act contrary to right reason and the commandments of God. Jesus himself during his life on earth was tempted, put to the test, to manifest the opposition between himself and the devil and the triumph of his saving work over Satan (CCC 538).
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