Tag Archives: #allaboutthegrace


Care for the earth

“CARING FOR OUR COMMON HOME” – John Mundell, member of the Indianapolis Archdiocesan Creation Care Commission, talks with Jim and Brigid about a new ministry aimed at addressing care for the earth to sustain life. For details about the ministry and an upcoming tree planting event on Fri. Oct 4 the webpage is www.ourcommonhome.org/

To listen to the interview CLICK HERE. This interview is a two-part program. First up is the Catholic Men’s Conference, Second half is the Care for Our Common Home interview.

For the Our Common Home document. CLICK HERE



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Spiritual Bouquets: Give and Receive


“SPIRITUAL BOUQUET MINISTRY’ – Kent Blandford and Brigid Ayer talk with Cathy Sitzwohl Founder of the Spiritual Bouquet Ministry to strengthen and support priests in their mission to serve the Church. For details, the email address is spiritualbouquetministry@gmail.com or on the webpage at www.spiritualbouquetministry.weebly.com

To hear the interview CLICK HERE.

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Organ Donation: A Selfless Gift

“ORGAN DONATION” – Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley talk with organ donor Steven O’Keefe, and Diana Wedding, organ recipient about the story of faith and self-gift through organ donation. For more information, St. Vincent Transplant Services at www.stvincent.org, 317-338-6701. or Steven O’Keefe at olmc.acts@gmail.com

To hear the inspiring tale CLICK HERE.

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Piep Piper of Atheism- His Dark Materials is VERY DARK INDEED.








HIS DARK MATERIALS-THE PIED PIPER OF ATHEISM – Faith In Action co-hosts, Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer talk with Sandra Miesel, author of The DaVinci Hoax, and the Pied Piper of Atheism about a new anti-Catholic HBO series, “His Dark Materials” based on a book trilogy aimed at undermining Christianity and specifically bashing the Catholic Church. To Listen to the interview CLICK HERE. For a review of the books, get a copy of Sandra’s book, “Pied Piper of Atheism” or read a review on the series is based Pullman’s books, at the link https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=4004


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Medical Decision Making from a Catholic Perspective

“Medical Decision Making from a Catholic Perspective” Faith In Action co-hosts, Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer talk with Dr. Elliott Bedford, Director of Ethics Integration for St. Vincent Health about Medical Decision Making from a Catholic Perspective. Bedford will speak at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on Sun. Oct. 27 at 10:40am in the St. Thomas Aquinas Room. Dr. Elliott recommends two resources for Catholics to review to aid in making sound Catholic medical decision. These resources are the National Catholic Bioethics Center  www.ncbcenter.org and the Catholic Hospital Association webpage www.chausa.org . CLICK HERE to listen to the podcast.

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MISSIONARY OF MERCY AT ST. THOMAS AQUINAS-PURDUE UNIVERSITY Faith in Action co-hosts, Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer talk with Father Patrick Baikaukas, O.P, pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish on Purdue University Campus about being a Missionary of Mercy. For details about St. Tom’s the webpage is www.boilercatholics.org

To hear the interview. CLICK HERE


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Live Big, Love Bigger

Popular blogger and speaker, Kathryn Whitaker talks with Catholic Radio Indy co-host, Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganely about her new book, Live Big, Love Bigger. Kathryn will be in Ft. Wayne and the Indianapolis metro area Oct. 3,4,5.

Check out our interview below to hear how you can Live Big, & Love Bigger. For details about Kathyrn’s ministry got to www.teamwhitaker.org


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Troubadour for The Lord






Catholic Music Legend, John Michael Talbot talks with Faith In Action, co-hosts, Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley about his music ministry aimed at authentic Catholic renewal. John Michael Talbot will be in the Indianapolis metro area to perform a benefit concert for St. John’s Tipton church building fund on Sun. Sept. 22, at 2pm at Tipton High School. For details go to www.stjohnstipton.com  Click below to hear our exclusive interview with the Troubadour for the Lord, John Michael Talbot.

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Catholic Radio Indy Celebrates 15 Years on the Air

Father Doug Hunter, Indianapolis Colts Chaplain talks to Catholic Radio Indy Dinner guests during the 15 Year Anniversary Dinner.


Catholic Radio Indy 15th Year Anniversary Dinner Article Click Here

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