I’m a big fan of St. Francis of Assisi. In the Jubilee Year 2000, I had the opportunity to lead a pilgrimage with Fr. Kevin Haines and 16 youth and 18 adults to various locations around Italy. Wow! What a blast it was. Spiritual highs, great food, wonderful companions with whom to journey. We were able to visit Assisi, Italy and walk the up the mountain that St. Francis would walk up daily to pray. It took us all day in the blazing heat to hike up that mountain.

The prayer to St. Francis, Make me a Channel of Your Peace is so relevant in the times in which we find ourselves living. So let’s extend that peace and sow love in a practical doable way. Here’s how.

With all the hate, negativity, and political polarization, this is a great time for Christians to sow love. I got this idea from our parish bulletin, where they offered a calendar for respect life month to focus on daily activities. I’ve adapted it with some of my own ideas that can be used anytime of the year. Below you’ll find numbered ideas to place on your calendar any month of the year. The numbered items below correspond to the day of the month. You need not wait for the beginning of the month. You can start the day you read this post if you so choose.

  1. Pray for 2 minutes for someone who needs your prayers.
  2. Do a kind act for someone who would least expect you to do so.
  3. Bake a treat for someone who needs encouragement.
  4. Post something positive on social media.
  5. Tell someone you love them.
  6. Take the time to thank someone in your life for the good they do.
  7. Play with a child.
  8. Make a small donation to your local church, food pantry or parish ministry.
  9. Do a chore in your household or office that is not your responsibility.
  10. Affirm someone in your life.
  11. Pray for an increase in the respect for life.
  12. Pray for improved communication between members of your household or extended family.
  13. Forgive a wrong done to you. (Write or tell them you have forgiven them.)
  14. Send a card or letter to someone you haven’t talked to in a long time.
  15. Say only positive things for one whole day.
  16. Smile at everyone you meet.
  17. Bring an unexpected treat to a neighbor.
  18. Call someone you have hurt or who you have hurt, and tell them you are sorry.
  19. Pray a decade of the Rosary for the healing of our nation.
  20. Let someone go ahead of you in line next time you are waiting in line for something.
  21. Visit an elderly person.
  22. Write a letter of encouragement to a seminarian, priest or religious sister.
  23. Create a prayer list for those who have asked you to pray for them.
  24. Prayer for a friend in need, and send them a note saying you are praying for them.
  25. Catch someone doing good, and recognize them for it.
  26. Intently listen to others, and ask them “How can I help?”
  27. Write a note of encouragement to someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one.
  28. Invite someone to Mass, or a parish activity.
  29. Call a relative just to chat.
  30. Go out of your way to notice the good in others, and tell them what you notice.
  31. Host a game night with your family or friends.

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