Click the above picture of the All About The Grace Podcast. This is episode #2 on Spiritual Direction. Brigid Ayer, host of the All About The Grace podcast talks about the art of Spiritual Direction and offers a couple resources to get you started on your journey to hearing God more clearly.
Christian Meaning Behind Popular Christmas Decorations
Gaudete Sunday — REJOICE!!
We all want more JOY in our life. Today, the 3rd Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday and the word of the day is REJOICE OR JOY, denoted by the PINK candle. Watch the below video where Brigid explains why this particular Sunday of Advent is marked with the theme of JOY & REJOICING!
Simply Your Christmas
Hey Friends, I’m reposting a video I made a couple years ago, but it holds true today. This will help you focus on Jesus as you get your act together, simple and LESS stressful!! Share this video with anyone you think this will help! Love to get your feedback and comments!!
Artificial Intelligence: A Catholic Perspective
Be a Coworker in the Vineyard
Working in God’s Vineyard
Father Al Lauer gives you insights on how to serve God in His vineyard. All are called to be a coworker by baptism. Here is some encouragement on how to do so.
Turn Setbacks Into Success: 10 Steps
Setbacks derail our plans and sometimes the course of our lives. If you are reading this blog post, you have likely experienced a setback yourself. I offer 10 steps on ways to turn your setbacks into success. My hope is by sharing my experience, it will give you some hope that things will get better and you’ll know that God has a good plan for your life. You don’t need to take my words since the Word of God says it better
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future”. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Digital Discipleship for an Apostolic Age.
Divine Mercy is Something God Wants for All
“A week later, the disciples were once more in the room, and this time Thomas was with them. Despite the locked doors, Jesus came.” —John 20:26
Divine Mercy Chaplet Sung By Kayser Swidan
The image of the Jesus’ Divine Mercy that I have hanging in my fireplace room appears to be the moment that is depicted in this Gospel scene. The Apostles are hiding out in the upper room one week after the resurrection of Jesus. They are afraid that they are next on the chopping block so to speak. Some have seen the risen Lord, some have not. Thomas was one of them who had not seen Jesus, and who would not believe the stories that others has seen Jesus risen unless he saw Jesus, himself, in the flesh.
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