Tag Archives: Christianity

Two Kinds of Fire
In our hyper divided nation where people get so angry at their opponents or even people on the street or grocery line, the below daily reflection, really struck a chord with me. The human reaction to our enemies or opponents is to get even, or to destroy them in some way, but God’s way is to heal, and forgive, to bring our enemies into the fold. The apostles were not so different from us. When they wanted to pass through a Samaritan town, and the Samaritans refused to give the disciples entrance to pass through, one of Jesus’ disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven to smite the Samaritans. Jesus told them to hold off. Jesus had a different plan in mind for them.
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“The Lord God said: ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.’ ” —Genesis 2:18
The first spoken words in the Holy Bible from man are about the topic of marriage. Adam rejoices that he has been given his beloved wife Eve: “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Gn 2:23). The last time a human speaks in the Bible is likewise a word of rejoicing about a marriage: the Bride, that is, the Church, together with the Holy Spirit say, “Come!” (Rv 22:17) The bride rejoices that she and her spouse are united in marriage. The Scriptures between the beginning marriage and the ending marriage are all interconnected in the ardent love of God for mankind and the human longing for union with the Lord. The entire Bible is sandwiched between two shouts of married joy (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1602).
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Love Perfected
Spend some quiet time in prayer before a crucifix today — at church, at home, or even outside. Meditate on Jesus’ words, “I thirst”. Jesus was experiencing the excruciating discomfort of a man dying a violent death — and the deep spiritual yearning for a connection with each of us. Your presence, your time with Christ crucified, is a response to his thirst.
Jesus, as I venerate your cross today, I imagine your arms outstretched, a sign of your great love for me ad for all people You have given yourself completely, perfectly. It is finished. Give me the grace to love you and others with this perfect love.
Gaudete Sunday- Rejoice Always!
Are You Ready for Advent?
Inspiration Quote
Inspiration for today

Jesus, The Master Psychologist
“Jesus, the Master Psychologist” by Dr. Ray Guarendi – Faith In Action co-hosts, Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer talk with their guest, Dr. Ray Guarendi, leading Catholic Psychologist, family counselor, and radio host of “The Doctor is In”, about his new book, Jesus, the Master Psychologist, and how to deal with everyday issues. To connect with Dr. Ray, you can find him at www.drray.com