Tag Archives: #allaboutthegrace

Time Management-God’s Way

Who has the time? I used to ask this question all the time!!

About a year ago, I found myself completely stressed out and doing WAY too many things, yet, at the same time I felt I was NOT doing enough. I wondered how this was possible. While this had been going on for years prior, I finally decided something had to change.

While I’m an eternal optimist with a can do spirit, (which got me into the mess in the first place) I now realize I was simply taking on too many things simultaneously. Looking back, I realize that running a business, supporting a family with a traveling husband, and working as a freelance writer for two active clients along with caring for three school age children and two active Labrador retrievers, well, it was too much! I concluded I was saying ‘yes’ to too many of the wrong things, and then being stuck saying “no” to things that I really wanted to have time for. Things that God was really calling me to.

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Icons: Windows to Heaven

Icons Draw us into the Divine Presence

(Video: Catholic News Service)

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer

Icons are frequently called “Windows into Heaven” for through them, one gets a glimpse of the spiritual world. For Ed and Alice Clifford, parishioners of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, icons give them a focal point in which to pray. Mr. Clifford said he began his journey towards using icons in prayer during various visits to the Calaldolese Benedictine Hermitage in Lucia, California in1996 where he went for a retreat.

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Freedom in Forgiveness

Mysterious Freedom Gained by Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a mysteriously freeing action both on the giving and receiving end. I think about my own capacity to forgive and to receive forgiveness. It’s a challenge at times!

How often do we rewrite the parable of the Prodigal Son to fit it into our narrow perception of God and His mercy? Maybe it’s hard for us to accept that God really means what He says when we listen to the words of Jesus, “I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10).

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Human trafficking advocate highlights Hoosier epidemic, offers help for survivors

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer

Human Trafficking not Just an urban problem, but affects the rural areas of the Midwest

FISHERS— Human trafficking of girls as young as 12-years old happens every day right here in Indiana.  Megan McGuire, advocate who works with female survivors of sex trafficking ages 12 to 17 years old, highlighted the horrifying reality of sex trafficking in Indiana saying “it’s happening here in our own backyard.”

The March 23, presentation took place at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Fishers, Ind., at the invitation of pastor, Father Dan Gartland. Gartland became aware of the problem through the town of Fisher’s taskforce on mental health on which Gartland serves as a member.

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Lawmakers consider adding Abortion Reversal Pill to Indiana’s informed consent law

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer


INDIANAPOLIS—An Indiana House committee heard a bill to expand Indiana’s laws regarding informed consent for abortion to include information on nonsurgical, abortion pill reversal. The Indiana Catholic Conference supports the measure.

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Take up your cross daily and follow Me

Gospel Reading LK 9:22-25

Jesus said to his disciples:
“The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected
by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes,
and be killed and on the third day be raised.”

Then he said to all,
“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me.
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
What profit is there for one to gain the whole world
yet lose or forfeit himself?”

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The Cross and the Light creator shares conversion story

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer


CARMEL—The Cross and the Light (TCTL) creator, Kelly Nieto, shared her conversion story and her call to share the good news through a modern, high-tech production of Christ’s passion, resurrection and descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Nieto’s presentation at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Jan. 19, drew a large group of parishioners and others who came to hear her witness.

The Cross and Light is an international, critically acclaimed musical and multi-sensory video experience of Christ’s Passion, Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The production is an authentic biblical proclamation of the greatest love story of all time which is based in the Archdiocese of Detroit, but has spanned out to as far as Australia. The Gospel extravaganza production comes to Carmel High School on March 10-12, 2017. The performance is being sponsored by eleven parishes in the Carmel deanery.

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Nine Days for Life Prayer

Would you like to make a significant difference? Would you join me in prayer for nine days for life?

Thank you in advance for your participation and your prayers.

CLICK HERE for the details.

9 Days for Life is an annual period of prayer and action focused on cherishing the gift of every person’s life. 

Surrounding the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children*, the overarching intention of the centerpiece novena is the end to abortion.

However, the novena also highlights many other facets of respecting each other’s God-given dignity, especially by respecting human life at every stage and in every circumstance.

9 Days for Life is an opportunity to:

  • PRAY for the respect and protection of each person’s life;
  • GATHER together in prayer, action, and fellowship with others;
  • SHARE your stories online!

*Typically observed each year on January 22 (also the anniversary of Roe v. Wade), the 2017 observance will be January 23. More information.

Source: USCCB

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Pro-life feminists excluded from Women’s March in Washington

The Women’s March on Washington, DC booted feminists who are also pro-life. Several news outlets have captured this story, yet the mainstream media tends to downplay or completely bypass the millions of women who are indeed pro-woman, yet also anti-abortion.

Women who support choice (including pro-life women, who support the choice to NOT abort their child) are NOT welcome at the “inclusive” Women’s march on Washington. Today is NOT a Women’s March, but apparently an abortion rights march for Planned Parenthood. Let’s be honest, and call it what it is.

I’ll post several articles about one group who was disinvited, New Wave Feminists, because they support a woman’s right to choose to keep a baby after it’s conceived. For the organizers, “inclusive” means you agree only with an abortion rights idelogy. Pro-woman is NOT synonymous with pro-abortion, quite the opposite. Call the march what it is please.

Since the March is today, (Jan. 21, 2017 —for those who read this after the fact) I would encourage you to take a look at the secular news coverage and see if the pro-life feminists who were disinvited from the event get equal time–which is the news standard for television journalism for sure–or in this case, ANY time. I hope my colleagues in the news media will practice their profession with the highest of integrity and quality, and provide equal time.

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Kellyanne Conway makes history again

As women’s rights activists mistakenly overlook the ground breaking achievements made by Kellyanne Conway, the first woman to successfully run a successful presidential campaign, they do it again when they underestimate her presence as speaker at the 2017 March For Life, scheduled for Jan. 27.

Wall Street Journal writer, William McGurn, captures the essense of why Mrs. Conway’s presence as a speaker ushers in a new era for women, politics and the pro-life movement. This is worth reading.



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