Tag Archives: #allaboutthegrace

Great Adventure Bible Study – Bible

Jeff Cavins joins Catholic Radio Indy Faith In Action co-hosts, Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer to talk about this awesome new resource of The Great Adventure Bible. Very cool. I’ve reviewed it on my YouTube Channel if you want to see the actual bible. Click play button below to listen to the radio interview with Jeff.

He is hilarious. Talks about his motor cycle riding and other good stuff!

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Vagabond Ministries- Breaking a Cycle of Hopelessness

Vagabond Missions- Breaking the Cycle of Hopelessness – Andy Lesnefsky, president of Vagabond Missions joins Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer to talk about a ministry aimed to end the cycle of hopelessness in the inner city, and ways you can help those in need.  Details about Vagabond Missions the webpage is www.vagabondmissions.com

Click the play button below to listen to the interview.

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Center of Hope- Domestic Violence Recovery

Center of Hope: Domestic Violence Recovery – Caroline Fisher RN, of the Center of Hope, Franciscan Alliance talks with Faith In Action Co-Hosts, Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley about the center and how they help people recovery from sexual assault and domestic violence.

To hear the interview, Click the play button below.


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The Messy Family Project- Supporting Marriages & Families in Troubled Times

Messy Family Project-Supporting Marriage & Family Life – Michael and Alicia Hernon join Catholic Radio Indy’s Faith In Action co-hosts, Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer to talk about their ministry called The Messy Family Project, and tips on how you can improve your marriage and family life. This is a fantastic resource! Topics include help with disciplining children, connecting with teens, and building your marriage and family culture. Free downloadable resources are also available. Details about how they support marriage the webpage is www.messyfamilyproject.org

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Uniting In Heart: 2030 Pastoral Plan

Uniting in Heart: 2030 Pastoral Plan  Deacon Mike Mescall, Director of Technology, Communications and Planning of the Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana talks with Faith In Action Co-Hosts, Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley about the new pastoral plan called Uniting in Heart: 2030 Pastoral Plan. Dcn. Mescall shares how it’s designed to assist discipleship efforts, laity, clergy and the general Catholic community for the next decade. For details of the plan the webpage is https://dol-in.org/uniting-in-heart

Click the play button to listen to the interview.

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Celebrating Black History Month for Catholics

Black History Month & Black Catholic Marriage Retreat – Pearlette Springer, Black Catholic Ministry Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and Reggie Horne, Marriage talks with Jim and Brigid about ministering to Black Catholics in the Indy Metro area and ways they are celebrating and supporting the spiritual needs of the Black Catholic Community this month and beyond. Springer talks about an upcoming Black Catholic Marriage Retreat. For the retreat details, the phone number is 317-236-1474, [email protected] People can register on Eventbrite

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Agape Performing Arts Company

“Agape Performing Arts Company” –   Catholic Radio Indy, Faith In Action show co-hosts, Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley, talk with Kathy Phipps, founder and director of Agape Performing Arts Company. Phipps talks out their 5 year anniversary and all the upcoming exciting performances including the Sound of Music, and more in 2020. To learn more about Agape Performing Arts Company, the webpage is www.agapeshows.org Agape Shows also runs a Facebook Page. Click here to Join.

To listen to the interview

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