Category Archives: Christian Journey

Do You Hear What I Hear?

“How beautiful…are the feet of Him Who brings glad tidings.” —Isaiah 52:7

In the days before modern global communications, messengers ran or walked to deliver their news transmissions. They brought news from loved ones in far-off places to people who could not travel. These messengers were most welcome couriers.

During the season of Christmas, we celebrate a pair of tiny, beautiful feet (Is 52:7) — those of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In times past God sent His messages “in fragmentary and varied ways…through the prophets” (Heb 1:1). “In this, the final age, He has spoken to us through His Son,” Jesus Christ, the Messenger from heaven (Heb 1:2). In Jesus, we have been given the best possible news: the fullness of divine revelation and the establishment of the Church, the Body of Christ, so that God’s messages will continue.

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The Third Option Revives Spark, Restores Marriages

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer

Noblesville, IN—Making a marriage work in modern times requires a novel approach. “It’s not a ‘her way’ or ‘his way’ approach that works,” says Dan Farrell, St. Maria Goretti parishioner, but rather a “third option” exists for couples who choose to activate a relationship-building way of life in their marriage.

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Cuperino Aviation Club takes flight and faith to new levels

By Brigid Curtis Ayer

Noblesville— The Cupertino Aviation Club takes flight and faith to new levels as it expands its scope in a club relaunch effort this fall.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishioner, Tom Beckenbauer, founder and president of the Catholic Aviation Association, said the local Cupertino Aviation Club, allows him to combine his passion for flying and his Catholic faith. “It’s a way that I can pass on all that God has given me to others.”

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Freedom in Forgiveness

Mysterious Freedom Gained by Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a mysteriously freeing action both on the giving and receiving end. I think about my own capacity to forgive and to receive forgiveness. It’s a challenge at times!

How often do we rewrite the parable of the Prodigal Son to fit it into our narrow perception of God and His mercy? Maybe it’s hard for us to accept that God really means what He says when we listen to the words of Jesus, “I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10).

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Immaculate Conception Explained


Father Mike Schmitz of Ascension Presents offers an explanation on the often misunderstood celebration of “The Immaculate Conception”. Many mistakenly confuse this annual celebration on Dec. 8 with Mary conceiving Jesus, but rather is about Mary’s conception in her mother St. Anne’s womb. Mary, full of grace, conceived without original sin. With God nothing is impossible. Take a moment to have this theological reality clarified in a hip and holy way. CLICK HERE for the video explanation.

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Become Bold for Christ as “doubting Thomas” did








How bold of a Christian are you?

Thomas the Apostle, was also known famously known as the “doubting Thomas” because he would not believe the Lord had risen until he saw him with his own eyes. He later became very bold for Christ.

Are you a modern day “doubting Thomas”?

Following Jesus’ crucifixion, the apostles were hiding out in the upper room. Thomas, who was considered one of the smarter apostles, was not with them when Jesus appeared. He told the apostles, he would not believe that Jesus had risen unless he was able to see with his own eyes and to put his hand into the nail marks or the side of Jesus. Thomas was suffering from the sin of pride due to his intelligence, yet he was smart enough to repent, and the first to have courage to recognize and proclaim Jesus as, “My Lord and God.” How many of us live by this saying, “My Lord and my God”?

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