Tag Archives: sacrificial love


Genesis 49:29-32; 50:15-26 Psalm 105:1-4, 6-7 Matthew 10:24-33
Now that their father was dead, Joseph’s brothers became fearful.” —Genesis 50:15

Joseph’s brothers were fearful, guilt-ridden, and steeped in self-hatred. They flung themselves before Joseph and said: “Let us be your slaves!” (Gn 50:18) After they tried to murder Joseph and finally sold him into slavery, his brothers carried their burden of sin for nearly four decades.

Is there any sin of yours from many years ago that still upsets you? Do you have any sin for which you’ve received forgiveness from God but not from yourself? Have any perversions, especially past sexual sins, warped your self-image? It’s not unusual to be like Joseph’s brothers and spend a lifetime twisted and misshapen by guilt, even false guilt.

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Real Love


St. John told Gaius to “demonstrate fidelity” (3 Jn 5) by showing real love through helping and supporting the missionaries John had sent to Gaius’ church (3 Jn 6, 8). To do this would cost Gaius not only time and money but also his reputation (see 3 Jn 10) and his membership in his local church. This is because Diotrephes, the leader of Gaius’ church, threatened to excommunicate anyone who accepted John’s missionaries (3 Jn 10).

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