Tag Archives: Christian living

Job Performance for Jesus

Most of us spend at least 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year at work, but a small percentage of us work in an official church role. Meaning the vast majority work in secular jobs. If we are a Christian, are we not working for Jesus no matter who our actual employer is? The answer is yes.

What does job performance for Jesus mean then? Christians are to permeate the world with the Good News of the Resurrection, and means to salvation that Jesus won for us through His cross. Christians are to live the Gospel, and be imitators of Christ, not just on Sunday while at church, or if the are employees of the church. They must act Christlike with all they encounter. Continue reading

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Missionary Disciples

In today’s Gospel (Luke 10: 1-9) it shows us what Jesus wants his followers to be doing and how they ought do it. We are a missionary church. We are sent by the Lord to spread his word and do his work. The Gospel is just not something that we are meant to cling to for our own benefit; it is seed that we are meant to give away.

Prayer is not incidental to ministry. It is not decorative. It is the lifeblood of the Church’s efforts. Without it, nothing will succeed; without it, no ministers will come forward. At all times pray, pray, pray.
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Create a JoyPowered Family

Presenters offer ways to have a JoyPowered Family

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer

Carmel, IN—What is joy? It’s a simple question. It’s a goal people seek to achieve throughout most of their lives.

JoDee Curtis, founder of Purple Ink, and presenter of the JoyPowered Family, defined joy as everlasting happiness with God. Curtis offered ways to reach joy and have a JoyPowered Family during a Jan. 27, joint presentation with Denise McGonigal, at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

“So many people are waiting for joy to just happen, to show up on their doorstep and ring the bell,” said Curtis.  “But joy isn’t a rare phenomenon that randomly appears out of thin air. Rather, it is a state of wellbeing we can choose for ourselves and our families daily.”

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