The Secrets of Fasting

(Part three, of three in series on Scandals.)

Fasting is one way to address certain kinds of evil. In recent weeks in the Catholic Church,  very dark, evil acts that have been exposed among the clergy and church leadership. In Mark’s Gospel chapter 9:29, Jesus tells the disciples some demons or evil cannot be cast out, (or eradicated), but by prayer and fasting. There is lay movement calling faithful Christians to address the recent clergy sex abuse scandal with the response of prayer and fasting. The movement is called #sackclothandashes. You can read more about it here.

Christians of all types can benefit from fasting. What exactly is fasting? Father Al Lauer of Presentation Ministries offers this perspective on fasting and how you can use fasting to advance your own relationship with God and build the kingdom.

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Jesus on Scandals

(Part 2 in a series on Scandals)

“Scandals will inevitably arise…” —Luke 17:1

I just returned from the store, where I heard a man talking disgustedly on his cell phone about yet another sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. What does Jesus say about scandal?

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Catholic Shepherds’ Sex Abuse Scandal: “Woe to the Shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock…”

(This Blog is Part 1 in a 3-part series on the Catholic shepherds’ sex abuse scandal.)

Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock….” Jeremiah 23:1

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer

Yep! “Woe to the shepherds who misled and scatter the flock…” Preach it Jeremiah! I am writing this blog post as many faithful Catholic friends of mine are talking and asking for understanding and perspective on this Catholic shepherd sex abuse crisis. I found a very good perspective by Father John Hollowell on his YouTube channel ,  I’d like to share with you which gave me hope and encouragement.

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The Third Option Revives Spark, Restores Marriages

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer

Noblesville, IN—Making a marriage work in modern times requires a novel approach. “It’s not a ‘her way’ or ‘his way’ approach that works,” says Dan Farrell, St. Maria Goretti parishioner, but rather a “third option” exists for couples who choose to activate a relationship-building way of life in their marriage.

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All About The Grace- Construction Zone & Spiritual Life

Ahhhhh….. Summer. Time to chill by the pool. Read a good book under a shade tree. Watch the clouds drift in the blue sky. Stay up late to catch fireflies with the kids. Take in a drive-in movie (yes they still exist), or simply gaze at the stars in the night sky.

And with the relaxing sigh of Ahhhhhh.. comes that shrill sound of AHHHHH!!!! Because along with the beloved lazy days of summer comes that dreaded word……. construction. Summer and construction go hand in hand. Depending on where you live, some areas have more of it than others, but we all can relate to the feeling of re-routings, delays, and detours that go awry.

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What’s Up With Prayer

MATTHEW 6:7-15

Friends, today’s Gospel asks us to do three things: pray, fast, and give alms. Let’s focus today on prayer. Studies show that prayer is a very common, very popular activity. Even those who profess no belief in God pray!

What is prayer, and how should we pray? Prayer is intimate communion and conversation with God. Judging from Jesus’ own life, prayer is something that we ought to do often, especially at key moments of our lives.

Well, how should we pray? What does it look like? You have to pray with faith, and according to Jesus’ model, you have to pray with forgiveness. The efficacy of prayer seems to depend on the reconciliation of differences.

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Create a JoyPowered Family

Presenters offer ways to have a JoyPowered Family

By: Brigid Curtis Ayer

Carmel, IN—What is joy? It’s a simple question. It’s a goal people seek to achieve throughout most of their lives.

JoDee Curtis, founder of Purple Ink, and presenter of the JoyPowered Family, defined joy as everlasting happiness with God. Curtis offered ways to reach joy and have a JoyPowered Family during a Jan. 27, joint presentation with Denise McGonigal, at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

“So many people are waiting for joy to just happen, to show up on their doorstep and ring the bell,” said Curtis.  “But joy isn’t a rare phenomenon that randomly appears out of thin air. Rather, it is a state of wellbeing we can choose for ourselves and our families daily.”

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The Only Life Worth Dying For

“I will give thanks to You, O Lord, with all my heart.” —Psalm 138:1

The “radical newness” of the Christian life (see Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People, Pope St. John Paul II, 10) is sometimes buried under our sins and lukewarmness (see Rv 3:16). In our refusal to abandon ourselves totally to the Lord, we make Christianity a club, game, organization, or private avocation. However, life in Christ is not merely one option as a possible way of life. It is the only Way that is true, life-giving, loving, freeing, and victorious over death. To be a Christian is the most radical and exciting adventure that a human being can ever decide to go on.

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Need Rest? Try a 3-minute retreat here

A 3-minute retreat? Never heard of it. Neither had I, but I love it and frequent it often.

If you are like me, it seems very hard to find time to just be. If we are to hear God, and take care of our one of a kind masterpiece that God created (us), we need to time to rest and drink in a good cup of coffee and all the Lord has to say.

My prayer time has changed over the years. At times it was very regimented, almost WAY too much. Other times, I have to admit it’s been a bit willy nilly. Other times it’s frankly been lame, or even seemingly non-existent.

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