A Starry Night

“A people living in darkness has seen a great light.” —Matthew 4:16

When I was a kid, on the Feast of Epiphany, I had the esteemed job of moving the three king figures from our family manger scene into the barn to bring their gifts to Jesus. Funny thing was one of glass kings had a foot problem. Not sure if he had a broken foot or the figure was just flawed in some way, but he always tipped forward. A 30-second task turned into many minutes of frustration trying to finagle that king into a position to keep him standing up, rather than falling down flat on his face in front of Jesus.

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

“How beautiful…are the feet of Him Who brings glad tidings.” —Isaiah 52:7

In the days before modern global communications, messengers ran or walked to deliver their news transmissions. They brought news from loved ones in far-off places to people who could not travel. These messengers were most welcome couriers.

During the season of Christmas, we celebrate a pair of tiny, beautiful feet (Is 52:7) — those of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In times past God sent His messages “in fragmentary and varied ways…through the prophets” (Heb 1:1). “In this, the final age, He has spoken to us through His Son,” Jesus Christ, the Messenger from heaven (Heb 1:2). In Jesus, we have been given the best possible news: the fullness of divine revelation and the establishment of the Church, the Body of Christ, so that God’s messages will continue.

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You’re Not the Boss of Me– Holiday Survival Kit

As the holidays are upon us, this topic caught my ear when I was working out the other day.  The radio show is called More 2 Life, featuring psychologist Dr. Greg Popcak and his wife Lisa. The topic, “You’re not the Boss of Me” covers a lot of territory. The premise of this segment was to respond to callers who deal with pushy, bossy people and the Popcak’s offered ways to set respectful limits on bossy people. Just in time for all the holiday gatherings!! Yeah!!!

Do you have a bossy person in your life? Well, if you don’t please share your secret with me!! LOL!! I could recount plenty of bossy people in my life whether it be family, work, church groups, or among friends. There is always this ONE person who has to have things THEIR WAY. Ha Ha, Okay, I admit, I can be one of those sometimes. (Though, I like to categorize myself as a recovering bossy person.) Continue reading

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Missionary Disciples

In today’s Gospel (Luke 10: 1-9) it shows us what Jesus wants his followers to be doing and how they ought do it. We are a missionary church. We are sent by the Lord to spread his word and do his work. The Gospel is just not something that we are meant to cling to for our own benefit; it is seed that we are meant to give away.

Prayer is not incidental to ministry. It is not decorative. It is the lifeblood of the Church’s efforts. Without it, nothing will succeed; without it, no ministers will come forward. At all times pray, pray, pray.
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Consume or Consumed?

“Eat this scroll, then go, speak to the house of Israel.” —Ezekiel 3:1 

Rebellion against the Lord entails not only doing evil but also refusing to totally consume and be consumed by His callings (Ez 2:8). We must eat the scroll of God’s plan for our lives. We must internalize it, digest it, and make it part of ourselves. As we consume God’s callings, we are consumed by God (see Heb 12:29). When we internalize God’s plan, God lives in us and we in Him (see Jn 17:23). We lose our lives (Lk 9:24), and it is no longer we who live but Christ Who lives within us (Gal 2:20). Then, paradoxically, as we lose our lives, we find our lives in Christ (Lk 9:24).

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Field of Dreams- Weeds Among Wheat

“The field is the world.” —Matthew 13:38 

The field is the world. “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son” to give up all that He owned, purchase that field, and die in agony on His cross so the field and its inhabitants might not perish, but have everlasting life (Jn 3:16Mt 13:44).

The field is full of people. Jesus loves all people, for they are made in His image and likeness (Gn 1:27). To Jesus, this field of humanity is a treasure. He gave all He had to purchase this field (Mt 13:44). Jesus treasures us, and where His treasure lies, there His heart is (Lk 6:45).

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