Where There is Darkness- Divine Mercy & The Death Penalty

Where There is Darkness, a new movie has been released on the Death Penalty & Divine Mercy. The story features a priest who wrote extensively on his opposition to the death penalty and ironically this priest was murdered. Here an interview with Marigrace Bailey and Laura Heraly, Lay Members of the Marian Moment of Priests talking about the movie and God’s Divine Mercy.

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Job Performance for Jesus

Most of us spend at least 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year at work, but a small percentage of us work in an official church role. Meaning the vast majority work in secular jobs. If we are a Christian, are we not working for Jesus no matter who our actual employer is? The answer is yes.

What does job performance for Jesus mean then? Christians are to permeate the world with the Good News of the Resurrection, and means to salvation that Jesus won for us through His cross. Christians are to live the Gospel, and be imitators of Christ, not just on Sunday while at church, or if the are employees of the church. They must act Christlike with all they encounter. Continue reading

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Artificial Intelligence: A Catholic Perspective

Artificial Intelligence: A Catholic Perspective

Brigid Ayer & Jim Ganley, Co-Hosts, of Faith In Action talk with Timothy O’Donnell, Co-Host of The Catholic Cave, about the topic Artificial Intelligence from a Catholic Perspective. For more information, find the book on Amazon called The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.


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Fetal medicine offers medical treatment to children in the womb

Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley of Catholic Radio Indy talk with Dr. Brandon Brown, Pediatric and Fetal Radiologist at Riley Hospital for Children talks about Caring for the least among us: A conversation about fetal medicine.

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Serpents Versus The Bronze Serpent

God through Moses set the Israelite captives free from their oppressors, the Egyptians. True, the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptian people and rulers. But Egypt also is a reference with slavery or sin. Sin enslaves.  Not long after Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and brought them to the border of the Promised Land, the Israelites’ faith failed them because they believed the reports of spies about the enemy ahead. They believed that God could not overcome the enemies. Because of their unbelief, God sent them into the wilderness to wander around until that generation died.

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Do you ever thing about the costs of being a follower of Jesus? I don’t think about it very often that is until persecution comes my way. Being put down, bullied, ostracized, shut out, looked at with those eye rolls or side glances, it’s no fun. Has it ever happened to you? It has to me on many occasion. One holy priest told me, if you are getting persecuted you must be doing something right. I’ve found that to be a good encouragement when persecution comes my way. The converse of that for a Christian might be, if I’m not facing any persecution, am I really speaking truth or living out my Christian faith? Good question. Continue reading

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Parent tips for passing on the Faith- Leighton Drake, Drawn to Life Ministries


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When Saying “No” can be a “Yes” to God


So many demands, requests, and opportunities, and so little time to do them all. Let’s face it, you can’t do everything. But I enjoy being involved in EVERYTHING!

Even before junior high, when the flood gates to extracurricular activities opened-up at my Catholic school, I was ALL IN.  I played every sport, participated in band, choir, student government, plays, musicals…… I did it all. Every school activity and club that was available to me, I did.. and with gusto. I gave it my all.

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