Tag Archives: Bishop Robert Barron

Speaking Truth in Today’s Culture

LUKE 4:24-30

By: Bishop Robert Barron, Lenten Reflections

Friends, today’s Gospel develops a theme that is uncomfortable. It tells how the people of Nazareth rejected Jesus. Authentically religious people, authentically spiritual people, will almost always be opposed. The logic behind this is simple and unanswerable: we live in a world gone wrong, a world turned upside down; therefore, when someone comes speaking the truth to us, we will think that they are crazy and dangerous.

Think for just a moment what would happen to you if you consistently and publicly spoke the word of God to our culture. If you spoke out against abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, human trafficking, rampant materialism, and ideological secularism, what would happen to you? If you presented, in a full-throated way, the full range of Catholic social and moral and spiritual teaching, what would they do to you? Trust me, they would throw you in a version of Jeremiah’s cistern.


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Praying for a Culture of Life

On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the decision which made abortion legal in the United States, it’s important to reflect a bit on how many people are not with us today because they were — well, aborted.  Abortion is a, “choice” which involves a very brutal and harsh act of violence rendered against a voiceless and marginalized child. Is this America in 2018?

Every day I read a reflection on the Gospel for the Mass readings by Bishop Robert Barron. His topic today was on Roe v. Wade.  I don’t think we can underestimate the impact abortion has on people lives and our society. Below is Bishop Barron’s reflection on Roe v. Wade decision & the Gospel of Mark 3: 22-30.

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