Tag Archives: #allaboutthegrace

Advancing Catholic Social Teaching in the Public Square.

Catholic Vote- Advancing Catholic Social Teaching in the Public Square – On this segment of Faith in Action co-hosts Brigid Ayer and Kent Blandford are joined by John Sherman, Chief Development Officer for Catholic Vote, a Catholic Civic Action group, which is inspired and organized by faithful Catholic laity faithful the magisterium of the Church. To get the LOOP, a publication of Catholic Vote, or more information, the website is www.catholicvote.org

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Is Homeschooling For You?

Homeschooling- Is it for you? – On this episode of Faith In Action, co-hosts Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley talk with Jen Smith, St. Michael the Archangel parish, Indianapolis, and mother of seven, about her homeschooling experience. She gives her story and tips for other parents who want to explore homeschooling as an option for their kids.

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Looking to Spice Up Your Marriage?

Marcy and Tom Renken, Celebrate Marriage Leaders at Our Lady of the Greenwood talk with Jim and Brigid about this marriage enrichment program, how they got it started and what is needed to start a marriage ministry at your parish. Also on May 15 there is a Celebrate Fun Amazing Race Photo Scavenger Hunt Event.  For details about the event and Celebrate Marriage Ministry, the website is www.celebratemarriageministry.com

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Are You Hiding?

“Those who listened to his words were stung to the heart.” —Acts 7:54

At the first Christian Pentecost, many who heard St. Peter preach were cut to the heart by his words and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2:37). Three thousand of them repented, were baptized, and received the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2:38, 41).

After St. Stephen preached, the people hearing him were cut to the heart (see Acts 7:54). Nevertheless, they did not repent. Rather, “they ground their teeth in anger at” Stephen (Acts 7:54). “The onlookers were shouting aloud, holding their hands over their ears as they did so. Then they rushed at him as one man, dragged him out of the city, and began to stone him” (Acts 7:57-58).

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Lunchtime Podcast Sampler

Lunchtime Podcast Sampler On Catholic Radio Indy – Our guest, Kent Blandford, program manager at Catholic Radio Indy, talks with Faith In Action host, Brigid Ayer about a new show on Catholic Radio Indy hosted by Kent called “Lunchtime Podcast Sampler”. Kent and Brigid preview the show and what listeners can expect.  The show is slotted to begin airing in March 2021. To listen to any of Catholic Radio Indy’s locally produced shows, they may be found under “podcast” on the home page of the Catholic Radio Indy website which is www.catholicradioindy.org

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Shroud of Turin Mystery Explained

Shroud of Turin – Our guest Martha May, a Shroud of Turin enthusiast, talks with Catholic Radio Indy’s Faith In Action, co-hosts Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer about the research and facts around the Shroud and how it relates to our faith.  For more information or to get resources, the website is www.shroud.com or to contact Martha May her email address is [email protected]  A traveling exhibit of a replica of the Shroud will be available for public viewing at St. John the Evangelist parish in downtown Indianapolis March 21-27.

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A Precious Gift of Suffering

Our guest, Mary Ann McAtee, a nurse, cancer survivor and contributor to The Catholic Moment, talks with Faith In Action co-hosts, Jim Ganley and Brigid Ayer about suffering and offering it up to God amidst pain. To read her reflection on suffering in The Catholic Moment, the web link is here https://www.thecatholicmoment.org/digital/12242020/index.html#issue/13

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What Do I Do When Facing Adversity

What Do I Do When Facing Adversity? – Our guest, Joe Condit, founder of the Catholic Speakers Organization, talks with Faith In Action co-host, Brigid Ayer and Jim Ganley about the Cincinnati Men’s Conference March 13. The conference theme is “What Do I Do when Facing Adversity?” The in-person event is sold out, but the virtual event is FREE and open to BOTH men & women. Headliners include Fr. Mike Schmitz, the #1 podcast host on Apple Podcasts, popular EWTN & television host, Dr. Ray Guarendi and local businessman Tony Maas. Details about the event can be found at the website www.cinncinatimensconference.com

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